Mortgage Master - Blog


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News Si Jie Lim

It's been 4 years since SERS was in the news, but this time some constructive feedback have led to new options for affected homeowners


Home Loan Si Jie Lim

With home loan fixed rates rising and 3M SORA soaring past the 1.00% mark, 2022 is going to be a tough year for homeowners


Home Loan Si Jie Lim

Interest rates are rising quickly in 2022 and many housing loan repayments are expected to rise significantly in the months ahead. Here are three steps to take.


Podcast Kyler Q.

Yep, sadge. Kyler takes a mortgage graduation exam and we look back at our favourite moments of the Hows 2 House podcast


Podcast Kyler Q.

How not to get cheated by a property agent


Podcast Kyler Q.

50, we're getting kinda old now


New Purchase Si Jie Lim

Last month, the Singapore government plugged yet another loophole for those looking to buy multiple properties. We discuss why so many want to own a second property in Singapore


Podcast Kyler Q.

Still don't understand why housing isn't taught in schools


Podcast Kyler Q.

What would it be like playing Government?


Podcast Kyler Q.

The rent is too damn high .... or is it something else?